Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Thursday, July 31, 2008 

A Voting Strategy for the Presidential Election 2008 

by Chuck McGlawn
If you vote Libertarian you are “Throwing your vote away”. You have been told that so often that you are reluctant to even mention your Libertarian leanings during political discussions. Do not let them get away with that charge. Because this year, gentle reader, you can turn the “Throwing your vote away” onto your Rep. and Dem. friends. We will show you how to make the case that your voting friends are indeed throwing away their vote by voting Rep or Dem. Conversely, your vote cast for the Libertarian Bob Barr and his running mate Wayne Allen Root will actually be counted twice.

Let me explain, suppose you are a voter that is concerned with the growth of government, the increase in taxes and regulation. (And who isn’t these days?) When you vote for the Libertarian Bob Barr and his running mate Wayne Allen Root your vote is counted twice. It is counted once by the Obama team, and then again by the McCain campaign.

However, in California if you are just one of the 11 million votes for the Dem candidate, who cannot lose, or if you are just one of the 9 million votes for the Rep candidate, who cannot win, who will give any thought about your vote? You have essentially thrown your vote away by voting Rep or Dem.
Take this strategy to your Rep and Dem friends. Ask them to send a message to the other parties they are for smaller government, less taxes and more freedom, by Voting LIBERTARIAN.

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